2024 SSTC Essay Contest

Theme Explore the profound effects of space observation on a particular industry of your choice. Investigate how advancements in satellite technology have revolutionized this industry's practices, strategies, and overall impact. Consider the differences in data resolution (spatial, temporal, spectral) obtained on the ground, from an airplane or space. Discuss how space observation has either complemented [...]

Tech Talk: Psyche

Hacker Dojo 855 Maude Avenue, Mountain View, CA, United States

https://aiaa-sf.org/registration/ NOTE: The event has been rescheduled to May 23. If you registered before, you don't need to register again. Psyche: Adapting a Comm Spacecraft to Explore a Metal-Rich Asteroid The Psyche spacecraft, built by Maxar in partnership with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Arizona State University, is flying to 16-Psyche, an all-metal asteroid orbiting [...]

Tech Talk: Enabling the Future Space Economy

Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA, United States

How will artificial intelligence and microgravity revolutionize the future space economy? Impacts are anticipated from machine vision and navigation, to medical advances and additive manufacturing. Al Tadros, CTO of Redwire, now a major aerospace manufacturer, will discuss these technological implications as well as some regulatory and policy hurdles ahead of us. Special thanks to Santa [...]

Tech Talk: Human Spaceflight

Hacker Dojo 855 Maude Avenue, Mountain View, CA, United States

Human Spaceflight: An Evolving Process From very early times, individuals and cultures dreamt first of human flight, and then space flight, which ultimately contributed to the Apollo 11 Moon landing. The Apollo landings, in turn, were inspirational for many, including some who ended up becoming astronauts. Human spaceflight further evolved during the Space Shuttle, Mir, [...]

Tech Talk: Leadership, Technology, and Innovation

Hacker Dojo 855 Maude Avenue, Mountain View, CA, United States

Image Credit: NASA / Joel Kowsky Leadership, Technology, and Innovation In the high-technology world, organizations innovate or die. Standing still is not an option. Too often, team leaders are selected for their technical expertise; the best contributor gets selected to lead. Unfortunately, this often leads to disaster. Leadership requires a particular set of soft skills, [...]

AIAA Banquet 2024

Chabot Space & Science Center 10000 Skyline Blvd, Oakland, United States

Voyager Spacecraft Special discount for students. Please see registration page for details. Come join AIAA-SF for food and fun at our 2024 Annual Banquet on November 23rd. Help us celebrate with this year’s Section Awards winners. Your ticket includes lunch, admission to the Chabot Space & Science Center and its exhibits, including the NASA Ames [...]

Tech Talk: Space Bridge Partners

Hacker Dojo 855 Maude Avenue, Mountain View, CA, United States

Space Bridge Partners: Connecting Funders and Space Missions Every year around the world, dozens of universities, civil space agencies, and nonprofit organizations plan crucial space missions focused on exploration, science, and education objectives, and then they struggle to get the funding needed to turn their dreams into reality. Ironically, at the same time, there are [...]

Tech Talk: Dragonfly

Hacker Dojo 855 Maude Avenue, Mountain View, CA, United States

https://aiaa-sf.org/registration/ Dragonfly: A Relocatable Rotorcraft Lander for the Exploration of Saturn’s Moon Titan NASA’s 4th New Frontiers Mission is the Titan Dragonfly relocatable lander. This coaxial quadrotor vehicle will be launched on a rocket to Titan in 2028. Following a gravity assisted Earth flyby and an approximate 6-year transit, Dragonfly will enter the Titan atmosphere [...]

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